Book Design
Vereniging van Wetenschapsmusea
& Science Centers

Communicate scientific research via accessible illustrations The Dutch association of science museums and science centers (VSC) asked me to design their research in the field of talent development through learning ecosystems in the form of a book. The book is available to all 34 members throughout the Netherlands, such as NEMO Science Museum, ARTIS, Science… Read More

Campaign Visual
Animal Adventures

Photography: Adrian Raudaschl at Unsplash While working for BrandLoyalty I created a lots of Campaign visuals for educative children's loyalty campaigns. This campaign visual concept, art direction and execution by me. This Campaign visual was created to use for an educative book for kids between 6-12 to learn about all animals on the planet. Starting… Read More

Poster design
Theatergroep Knars

For a long time I was the house designer for Theatre Company Knars. A group of puppet players and theatre makers that make children's theatre shows. The shows a made for children from the age of 2-12. They play at schools throughout the Netherlands and tour in small theatres. Photography Krakeling: Daphne van Project… Read More

Birth Card
Louie Leo

Project Louie Leo Client Josse & Mette Category Illustration, Type design, Birth Card design The input I got for this birth card was Pipi Langkous' house Villa Kakelbont, Traveling, Dogs, Circus, Instruments or band. I tried to make this into a story where we see the young new kid of the family leading this strange… Read More

Birth Card Design
Selected designs

It is always a great honour to be asked to design a birth card. One of the most important announcements in your life! All the designs you find on my website are personalised. Yes, you can order a cheaper card online, but it will not be as unique for sure. As you can imagine, a… Read More