The extension of a familiar brand

Wilde Kastanje Training & Opleiding has been a regular customer since 2017. We have started developing a fresh new identity. That ensured that they stood out well against the competition and that felt personal but also professional. After all the years of collaboration, the brand has become more and more alive, the illustrations and graphic forms have been further developed and elaborated into a beautiful, consistent identity.

The identity for Wilde Kastanje had grown throughout the years. The illustrations have become a bigger part of their identity. When we started their needs where a bit different. Over the years they grew into a more energetic identity in stead of the more corporate direction we initially started from.

This is clearly visible in the webdesign I created for them in 2021. Below you see some of the pages of the design. Have a look at the website.

Development by Filt, copy by Mees van der Made and photography by Sarah Prins. Filt collaborated with E-Line Websolutions to build in API to connect the order system in the backend.

The illustrations made for Wilde Kastanje are very much a collaboration and a lesson in learning to understand my client. The illustrations have to communicate very complex material about the inner human of the professional and their work field – to prevent of child abuse and domestic violence.

Every year I create an animated New Year Card for Wilde Kastanje Training & Opleiding. You can see clearly that the quality of the illustrations get better every year. A design studio grows too.

Design visual identity

Throughout the years I have created many kinds of different promotional & communication materials to extend the Identity of Wilde Kastanje to every contact moment with their customer. From brochure to flyer to cards to magazines to business paper and so forth.