For a long time I was the house designer for Theatre Company Knars. A group of puppet players and theatre makers that make children’s theatre shows. The shows a made for children from the age of 2-12. They play at schools throughout the Netherlands and tour in small theatres.

De BoekelingClient
Theatergroep Knars

These are the rough sketches that I made for ‘De Boekeling’ after my meeting with Theatergroup Knars. As you can see the final outcome is based on the first sketch.

De Centrale Geheimen Bank
De Centrale Geheimenbank (The central bank of secrets) is a mysterious children’s theatre play. The main characters discover all kinds of tugged away secrets and wonder through the bank at night. The target audience is the parents – They are mostly cultural engaged and highly educated of children between 6-10 years old.
Animation De Centrale Geheimenbank: Tividor Fabriek

Melodie & Ritme
Melodie & Ritme is a children’s theatre play focussed on finding sound and music in ordinary objects and in daily life. This is the first flyer I ever made for Theatergroep Knars. As you can see I was still a young designer and the techniques used are very basic like drawing and scanning in my drawings. the technique really fits the theatre group and this particular show because they focus on a lot of hand made objects and perform in a French street theatre kind of style.
Teaser Melodie & Ritme: Tividor Fabriek