Re-Branding to a future proof brand that is ready for international ambitions
PLANT B reached out to NOA Agency to help them to come up with a new brand name although PLANT B had been successful and existing for years. After a intense customer research NOA Agency created their new brand name VOOD. Based on Vegan Food – translated to VOOD. After this huge name change NOA Agency reached out to me to help create a visual strategy & design for the further rebranding.

For the B2C packaging that was preferred to be made on a banderol machine I have created a nice design for this particular machine and usage. We played around with a white ink editable printed text per dish on a color base. Because the material was changed to a very smooth and PU surface we where not able to reach a perfect outcome.

The machine did not seem to be practical in the end and was not able to deliver the right outcome. Therefor the company decided to go to all paper instead, to support the environment and to be able to produce in bulk (also environmentally much better). In the next image you see the new B2B packaging that is now also used for B2C.

Vood already worked with a UX/UI designer but wanted me to design the basics as an example so there would be a bit more direction. This design was created in Sketch and then handed over to the in house UX/UI designer.

In B2B context Vood provides table size branded freezers with their frozen healthy meals inside. These are placed at big companies like Mediamonks, Spaces Zuidas, Lepaya and many more. For these busy companies with people working on varied times they like to support their employees by eating vegan and healthy when in the office after 18.00 or when going home without time to cook. This way they keep their staff happy and healthy and prevent snacking and unhealthy eating habits.